

What we don't support

Zoielogic Dance Theatre

We choose to focus our funding on work that we believe will deliver the greatest long-term impact and create change for the future.

We will not support work unless
  • The organisation is leading the way itself, or part of a partnership or collaboration which is aiming for transformative change
  • The work is driving change for the future by breaking new ground, or using tried and tested models to push things forward in a new way.
  • The work is ambitious and aiming to make a difference over the long-term.
We will not consider applications from / for:
  • Organisations with an annual turnover of less than £100,000 (see our FAQs on how we assess turnover)*.
  • Organisations without at least three trustees or directors (the majority of whom should be non-executive).
  • Organisations without an asset lock or other general mechanism used to cover all the provisions designed to ensure that the assets of an organisation, including profits or surpluses generated, are used for the benefit of its community or to further its activities and mission (this exclusion applies to grants, for social investments, we only invest in organisations with charitable aims and mission). See our FAQs for information about the types of organisations we support in terms of governance).
  • Work that is not legally charitable - by this, we mean work that does not fall within one of . See our FAQs for more information about the kinds of organisations we support.
  • Work that does not have a direct benefit in the UK.
  • Grants to individuals.
  • Grants for less than £30,000.
  • Capital costs including building work, renovations, and equipment (this exclusion applies to grants, we may make social investments for these).
  • Academic research – unless it can demonstrate real potential for practical outcomes.
  • Healthcare with a clinical basis, including medical research, hospices, counselling and therapy, arts therapy, education about and treatment for drug and alcohol misuse.
  • Independent education – by this, we mean work which takes place or is delivered by fee-paying schools.
  • Work that is primarily the responsibility of statutory authorities.
  • The advancement of religion.

* We will be working with partners to identify new ideas we could support which are at an earlier stage and might not get through our applicant quiz. We will contact organisations proactively to apply for this support.

LEAP Confronting Conflict - workshop

Other sources of funding help

Information on other funding sources including a comprehensive guide to fundraising for small organisations.

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