
Our Natural World

Nature friendly farming

Manchester Veg People

There is immense value in nature friendly farming with benefits not just for the recovery of wildlife but also for our health.

There is a growing body of farmers leading the way in using innovative approaches to farming that produces food at the same time as restoring nature and allowing soils to recover. This has helped to create a window of opportunity to demonstrate the value of nature-friendly farming that will also help to increase biodiversity lost as a result of current farming practices.

What we want to achieve

Impact goal

Sustainable and ethical food

Long term outcomes
  • Soil health is restored.
  • A fairer food system that improves outcomes for nature and communities.
  • Farmers are supported to lead the transition to nature friendly farming at scale.

If you are interested in applying for funding on under this priority, please see our guidance for support.

Feedback Global-A big group of people stand by a pile of trays full of fruit gathered (1)

Nature friendly farming grants

In 2023, we made 21 grants, totalling £3.9m, in our Nature friendly farming funding priority. On this page, you can find the latest grants awarded.

Find out more
Unlocking change



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