
Our Support

Convening and connecting

Campaign Bootcamp

We convene and connect people and organisations to foster dialogue, share learning, create joint opportunities and develop new, collective approaches. We also work in partnership ourselves.

We support collaborations like that bring people together from the voluntary, public or corporate sectors to deliver collective change - collaborations like in Barking & Dagenham, and .

Working with partners, we also convene people ourselves when we want to make a difference on an issue, like recruiting for diversity and .

We want to use our ability to bring people together to help us effect broader change.

  • LEAP Confronting Conflict

    Young People Leaving Care funding: Learning Programme

    A Learning Programme runs alongside our Young People Leaving Care funding stream to facilitate learning between grantees, and to draw out collective insight to help improve the wider care leaver system.

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  • TakeNote

    Webinar: Effective partnership working

    Watch a webinar we hosted with Take Note exploring a series of practical tools and approaches they've developed to support more equitable and impactful partnership work.

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  • Campaign Bootcamp- Johnny Chatterton.jpg

    Recruiting for Diversity

    In an event we hosted on recruiting for diversity, we heard from Campaign Bootcamp, Diverse City and Women in Prison who shared their experiences as well as good practice examples for organisations looking to improve on diversity and inclusion.

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Funding in partnership

We want to be at the forefront of new approaches to funding, working in partnership with other funders and organisations to increase our reach and make more of a difference.

Find out more